If you plan on breastfeeding it's also not good for that on a stronger dose. For insomnia nights, talk to your physician about a sleep aid that is safe; if none are recommended, try melatonin. I met with an Occupational Therapist last night and they offered the exact same tips!! It may be HR, the EAP program, or the medical department, but it almost certainly will not be your boss. It is also worth noting that the effects of stimulant mediation on your hormonal levels is not well known, and you should probably accurately track your periods (come join us at r/TryingForABaby ) with temping to see how you're doing. Pregnancy also permanently alters the body in some way so you should discuss with your doctor how during the pregnancy the changes/hormones might affect your ADD (can it become worse or better during and/or after pregnancy) and if it might affect how well Vyvanse will work for you afterwards. It totally ruined everything. Generally speaking, they fall into a few basic categories. Going without is hard, but can be doable. Looks like you have therapy and an ADHD coach, use them as much as possible. Congratulations on your decision to grow your family. Stimulants are know to cause ED because of them constricting blood vessels. Stopping ADHD medication cured my partial ED, what are you taking? Have you talked to your doc about this? I’ve found that stimulants really potentiate my ED unfortunately. It affects the parts of the brain and central nervous system that control hyperactivity and impulses. I always had a ton of ideas and understood things well. Legally, you have a right to a reasonable accommodation for a medical condition under the Americans with Disabilities Act if your employer employees 15 or more employees. Also, you may find that your hyperfocus kicks in and suddenly you get the project done early. It is necessary to treat both the anxiety and ADHD existing in the same patient, as treating only the ADHD may exacerbate anxiety symptoms, and treating only the anxiety may not help ADHD symptoms. Seek alternatives, More posts from the erectiledysfunction community, Continue browsing in r/erectiledysfunction, Here you will find men who used to struggle and those who are struggling now with Erectile Dysfunction, men who visited a doctor and were offered some treatments for ED, and those who prefered to seek for possible solutions by themselves. The medication is categorized as a schedule II controlled substance because it can be habit-forming.Tell your doctor if you have any pre-existing health conditions or if you take any other medications. Plus, grain of salt because I'm surely no expert, but seems like the stress of being unmedicated+hormones would be so much harder on a developing baby than a daily therapeutic-level dose of medication. I didn't want to lose the clarity I had gained by being more involved in the world around me. Silfenifil seems to counteract the negative effects to a degree but I don’t want that to be a permanent solution. How was your overall mood? You’ve gotta get off most of this stuff. My doctor has referred me to see an Occupational Therapist, which is covered under my healthcare plan and I have my first appointment this evening. ADHD Medication Mistake #1: Drinking citrus juice. I would look into staying on meds (I've heard some women do while pregnant) or being able to take a huge leave of absence from work until your baby is born. Whether you’re an adult or child taking ADHD medication, you’ve likely experienced guilt, and pill shaming. Growing up I figured out that when I ate certain things, especially late at night, then next day I would be spacy and useless. I have done the research and even though I know it is going to suck, staying on the medication is not worth the risk to me. It's okay to drink a little bit of coffee. Longer if you also wish to breast feed. Stopping ADHD Medications Safely. She was not willing to prescribe them when I get pregnant, and said that is the norm for most psychs. If not, be sure to have a candid conversation about that. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common behavioral disorder diagnosed in roughly 10 percent of school-aged children and adolescents. BUT there truly are simple day-to-day activities that can hinder the effectiveness of your medication. It’s common to have concerns about taking medications for ADHD. Amphetamines are not good for a pregnancy, period. Did it impact your relationships? I have already been tapering off and taking breaks from the medication while trying to conceive and it has been tough, which is why I am looking for as much support and coping strategies as possible. However, in the past, when I've known that I was approaching an important task that would require my "A+ Game", I would stay away from my preferred time wasters. You might not get pregnant right away so it could be up to two years. Even if you have a great relationship with your boss and he or she is understanding when your job performance suffers, they will have the fact that you have ADHD in the back of their minds for the rest of the time you work there, and that could affect your chances for advancement throughout your career. That's when my symptoms became uncontrollable, I saw a doctor and got diagnosed, and then I got medicated. Glad you reached out. The answer to this is unknown. While it it's not going to be as potent as Vyvanse, it will give you possibly some relief. My two sons are the best thing that's ever happened to me. I can't keep up with anything (don't ask me how long my to-do list for this subreddit is...), but to be honest, I'm not sure anyone does during pregnancy and with a newborn. Also, I'm not competent to read a medical study and understand it, but from what I'm making out, but this page discusses a study that suggests the risk factors may be manageable. Rick Green stopped and started ADHD medication 4 times. I'm not as high a performer as I was, and just keeping up can be really stressful. I'm not going to argue the merits of stopping or staying on medication. Have you talked to your OB about the risks entailed in staying on meds? Thank you so much for all of the suggestions! Energy level? I will give you some advice for succeeding while not taking medication, however. What does it feel like to be on ADHD medication? They never did initially... took about 6 years before they caused problems for me. I didn't even know I had the disorder until I experienced a bout of severe depression during a very stressful point in my life. The fourth time I started medication was yesterday. Today I thought that I would try to cover some of the pros and cons of this difficult issue. Because the brain becomes dependent on stimulant drugs, it is very important to taper off your medication gradually rather than quitting cold turkey with medications such as Adderall. It sounds like you had a tough experience... looking back, do you think that anything (aside from medication) would have helped to make things easier? Write out interval steps/milestones and then give these milestones deadlines. Any advice or coping strategies would be greatly appreciated! Now I'm tired and covered in milk but it's easier and more rewarding, lol. I am a part of r/TryingForABaby and have been tracking my cycles for about a year now. The acid in oranges, grapefruits, and vitamin C interrupts the absorption of ADHD medications. There are many reasons, all of them as unique as the person taking the medication. I have also tried other "safer" treatment options in the past and they were not effective in treating my symptoms. Concerta is a central nervous system stimulant. I’m not taking medications to behave better or to be smarter. My suggestions: *1) Schedule and organize everything. I’m not taking medications to fix something that isn’t broken. Setting up a fixed bedtime routine is almost a must--but you'll hate it too (at least I do). I am not entirely sure what an OT will be able to help me with, but I am curious to find out. This is the story of his difficult relationship with ADD drugs. It is available by prescription and is often prescribed as part of a total treatment plan for ADHD. I'm on verrrrryyyyyyy low dose Adderall IR as needed. Stopping an ADHD medication at the beginning of a new school year or other high-stress time is rarely a good time, and may set your child up to fail a trial off medication. In the same planner, list any long-term tasks and the steps needed to complete them. Like other people in the thread mentioned, some women stay on Vyvanse during pregnancy. vs just watching me in misery couch-potatoed playing some clicker on my phone trying not to vomit. Vyvanse is a prescription medication used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and binge eating disorder. I saw my doctor for a preconception appointment a couple months ago to discuss my options and she is strongly against me taking Vyvanse while pregnant. To be honest, this terrifies me. So I am not a mom but I do have some thoughts and things I read over the last year. The list below is designed to reduce brain fog and inattentiveness as much as possible while not on medication. But I'm nearly done breastfeeding so there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Finally, do what you can to naturally boost your dopamine levels: break professional and house work down into written lists of discrete tasks that you can cross off and tickle your brain's reward center; eat a healthy diet; exercise frequently and strenuously; watch scary movies; have novel and vigorous sex with your husband; and watch out for mental junk food that are unproductive but scratch the dopamine itch (video games, wikipedia/youtube rabbit holes/etc.). I really do have ADHD. You'll have enough challenges controlling your symptoms without dealing with withdrawal at the same time. The first time I started taking medication for ADHD was nearly 15 years ago. So when taking stimulants, they increase the ED effect for you? *3) Eat foods that are good for you (and I mean good for you personally). But not taking medications also has side effects. If medication helps control symptoms, why stop in the first place? If you work for a large employer, they will have an ADA/Reasonable Accommodation Policy that should specify the appropriate person in the company to talk to about it. The consultant explained to us that we could consider stopping ADHD medication at weekends, and during the holidays, this was a game changer for us as we felt that we would have more control over when our son took medication and liked the idea that it was only during school hours that he would be on his medication. Rope your support network into this and rely on them as much as possible. I quit and 2 days later, boner city! I wouldn't have gotten to the heights I was at without those meds, and I certainly wasn't able to maintain to keep up that level without them. Did you find that seeing a counsellor for behaviour therapy was worth it? Someone recommended 5HTP, I’m gonna give that a try tomorrow for a month and see if that also helps. I would also suggest that they have a good chance of helping even while taking medication. My husband and I have decided that we would like to start a family, which means that I will need to stop taking Vyvanse while pregnant. Did you tell your boss at all? I stopped taking meds while going to the fertility clinic (just for clomid/femara), generally through pregnancy, and I'm about 5-6 months out from going back on higher dose extended release meds because of breastfeeding concerns (which I'd like to do until 1yr-ish). I was un-medicated for the first 35 years of my life, but during that time, I did very well in school, did very well in college, and attended a top 50 law school. No anything that would suck me in and fry my brain after binging on it. If you find yourself madly scrambling to get the work done and achieve the milestone, that's okay, because once you get it done, you'll have completed a large chunk of a long-term project. It just pisses me off how they didn’t say anything about that it’s literally caused me so much stress. Four ADHD Medication Mistakes and How to Avoid Them. With regard to telling people at work, that can be tricky with all the stigmas out there. Ritalin (Methylphenidate hydrochloride) is a stimulant used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and to manage symptoms of narcolepsy. At times I'll even get depressed until I find something new that holds my attention. I got fired and my life has been so terrible ever since. Symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are often managed with medication. I have also found an ADD Coaching Centre in the area that I may start going to, however, it is not covered by my insurance and is a bit expensive. I have been to my doctor, it was her advice to go off of Vyvanse because it a stimulant medication. Figure out how they fit, when they will get done, and how you will get them done. propranolol adhd reddit. That's what I was saying, thank you for confirming. Amphetamine has been around since 1937, and methylphenidate since 1956. Chiang HL, Gau SS, Ni HC, et al. Studies show that ADHD medication safely and effectively improves communication between neurons in the ADHD brain. Both anxiety and ADHD are very treatable with medication and psychotherapy, and there are many effective strategies to manage symptoms and lead a … *4) Know your weaknesses and just don't engage them. Funnily enough, after I did this the first time, I didn't want to go back to some of my preferred hyperfocus tasks. Yup, my wife and I were having school every day 2-3 times a day because of said "Super Boners" it gave me initially. They told me NOTHING about this side effect and especially the negative synergy between them and I’m honestly quite pissed off about. The ADA reasonable accommodation process is designed to limit your supervisors' access to information about your disability only to what they need to know. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I am a totally unproductive space cadet when I don't take my medication and the thought of being like that for over a year is giving me major anxiety. I always found stimulants to work both ways. “I don’t want to be medicated every day” is a common theme, as are concerns about side effects. Plenty of people go off medication, and plenty stay on it too. (And yes, ADHD really does exist — but that’s another story.) ADHD can be treated using medicine or therapy, but a combination of both is often best. Pregnancy on it's own will already impact your career but adding unmedicated ADD on top of that, it is an incredibly hard choice to make. Right now I'm married, have 3 kids who are age 7 and under, and a wife who has severe bipolar disorder. It's been really tough, and I've had to lean heavily on the coping tools I had developed while on medication (lists, daily planner, alarms etc.). She also notes that medication isn't the only option for treating ADHD. Treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can help relieve the symptoms and make the condition much less of a problem in day-to-day life. I was told I could have qualified for fairly early disability leave during pregnancy (US based, but I had physical mobility issues among other things...) if I was working anything significant. 'When I started taking ADHD medication it was as if someone flicked a switch' After having been treated for depression unsuccessfully and asked to … Good luck. If I don't have a book, project, or game that pulls me in completely, I am not a happy person. Did they offer any accommodations? Update: I have been to my OB/Family Doctor and it was their recommendation that I stop taking Vyvanse (as soon as there was any possibility that I could be pregnant). The short acting Adderall and Ritalin. If you have responsibilities and things that have to be done, you have to find a way to prioritize them, and you have to find a way to avoid procrastinating them. Are you taking anything over the counter or as a prescription than can affect your erections? So first writing down the pro's and cons of carrying your child(ren) yourself versus the problems you will gain from not being on medication in being able to be productive and the impact it will have on other areas in your live. Beyond that, have you ever seen a counselor for behavioral therapy? Adderall … If you and your OB do decide to go off the meds, then you need to talk to your psychiatrist and taper off safely. Those are my suggestions. The interesting question is whether children who take stimulant medications from ages 6 to 18 are more or less likely to have ADHD once they stop their medications. Over a million users here say they 'feel at home' and 'finally found a place where people understand them'. Stopping stimulant medication generally does not cause symptoms of withdrawal. The emotional deregulation of it all is a nightmare. I am wondering if any other moms out there can offer me some advice on how to get through this? Motivation to do things? Here's some info about the ADA process. *2) Get plenty of sleep. You don't realize how much they improve your life until everything you've built crumbles to the ground without them. Behavioral therapy , including training for parents, and special accommodations at school can also be beneficial. That's illegal, but employment discrimination is hard to prove. I'm also surprised to hear you'll be blocking caffeine because I'm from a very caffeine-focused culture in which women don't make any changes to their coffee drinking habits when pregnant and even toddlers get a splash of coffee in their bottles. The upside is that once you are pregnant, all the people who wouldn't understand ADHD will start giving you the benefit of a doubt because you're pregnant. Not everyone has positive results when taking medication for ADHD, and many wonder what happens when you stop taking Adderall. I found an ADHD coaching centre in the area, which is not covered by my health insurance, but may be worth it if needed. I never have so I don't know whether it has efficacy or not, but if meds aren't an option, then it may be a good idea to get as many tools in your toolbox to manage your symptoms as possible, especially as they will affect your job performance. This throws a monkey wrench into my suggestions because it's very difficult to stick to a schedule amidst the chaos, eat the right foods when there are picky eaters in the house, sleep through the night when toddlers come wandering into your room regularly, and avoid your preferred hyperfocus when it's the only thing that relaxes you and keeps you from going truly crazy. Can't tell you what it's going to be like, but I actually had a huge sense of relief with a newborn vs pregnancy - I had 37 weeks of almost nonstop nausea, low energy, could barely walk, felt like a whale, was a literal whale, tried to just sort stuff out whenever I could but mostly took it verrrry easy and very little work. Being off of Adderall is tough. The trick is to just get used to it, make it something that has to happen, and slowly transform it into a habit such that it's second nature. Then there is also the question of who will become the primary caretaker. I’m also taking branched chain amino acids, glutamine, Thea one, tyrosine, niacin, and Quercitin. Association between symptoms and subtypes of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and sleep problems/disorders. Remember: don't give your brain permission to wander off before you complete your scheduled tasks. My midwife and OB said absolutely no to stimulants, along with my psychiatrist. How did you balance your responsibilities at home? As far as continuing therapy, there are options that are "safer" during pregnancy, like Bupropion/Wellbutrin. There are three main subgroups of ADHD: Predominantly inattentive ADHD: inattention is the main characteristic, daydreaming is common A small percentage of children with ADHD do experience these rebound effects at the tail-end of their medication dosing. My son is nearly a year old now. The first step to that solution is talking to a healthcare provider to figure out what is causing ED, Press J to jump to the feed. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) often coexists with other mood disorders such as anxiety or depression. It was so nice compared to the feeling I had after binging on something, that feeling of being lost in space or having fuzzy thoughts about everything because half of my brain was still in that awesome book I just read. See Tip #4 for suggestions on how you can make this easier. I am lucky that I have the option to take 12-18 months of maternity leave and the option to work reduced hours upon return so right now I am focusing on ways to make it through a pregnancy. Basically, any of the traditional stimulants are KNOWN to cause possible birth defects and also can cause early miscarriage, so any day after POSSIBLE implantation I take a "drug holiday" until I can accurately predict pregnancy with a home pregnancy test. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Thanks so much for the advice! I have done the research and I know the risks and I agree with her. No books. Dr. Schonwald will discuss how to approach such situations during a session titled “Refocusing Care: What to Do When ADHD Stimulants Aren’t Working” from 3-3:45 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 27 (F3204) in rooms 228-230 of the convention center and again from 8:30-9:15 a.m. Monday, Oct. 28 (F4033) in rooms 217-219. I am sorry you are on so many medications. I take 60mg daily and it has changed my life dramatically. and some people find it works just as well. Some women stay on meds when pregnant. I might add that there have been some newer meds in the past seven years or formulations/release mechanisms that are different, so I would really recommend talking with your psychiatrist and rope in your OB and also the InfantRisk Center and possibly Medications and Mothers' Milk by Hale. They never did initially... took about 6 years before they caused problems for me. I'm hoping that what helped me succeed in the past helps you succeed right now. I’m using the r/carnivore to help with my blood sugar, mood, energy and focus. That is a good question to ask before stopping, as Adderall must be stopped in a certain way to avoid Adderall withdrawal symptoms. I have heard about the sheer exhaustion of pregnancy and I am worried that the combination of that with a lack of stimulant medication, caffeine, and limited sunlight in the winter months will make things extremely difficult for me. Pay attention to what you eat, and if you fog up after having a particular food, stay away from it, or at least only have it in small quantities. Researchers found black youth with ADHD are more likely to go off of their medication and less likely to have adequate follow-up than whites. Before stopping the medication… No video games. I've found the most effective way to organize, schedule, and prioritize is to develop everyday--and I mean everyday--routines. I am also trying to get pregnant and am facing this conundrum. When I stopped meds, I stopped going to work and didn't answer the phone when they called. Yes, it really sucks and I am a lot more stressed and less effective when my symptoms return. If you have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), you may take medicine to help with things like focus, attention, and hyperactivity. ADHD, the acronym for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, represents a mental health disorder, the medical understanding of which has been evolving for decades. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Everyone needs a break from something at some point, and people taking medication for ADHD might feel that way about their meds routine. Stopping ADHD medications (or any medications, for that matter) should always be done with the assistance of a doctor. It was nice while it lasted, lol. The next day, you must do the task before giving yourself permission to get off-task. F/31, diagnosed with inattentive ADD at age 19, tried pretty much every medication possible before finding Vyvanse about 7 years ago. I just couldn’t focus no matter how hard I wanted to… and I always felt like I was losing ground. It is important to know whether this medication is effective and to adjust the type or dosage if … I have put a lot of thought into this decision and even though I know it is going to be tough, I still want to go through with this. Erectile dysfunction isn't the verdict! I crave hyperfocus. If you become the primary caretaker with a short parttime job while your husband takes in the main income then the impact on your career might be smaller from being unmedicated for such a relatively long period of time. Bruh they got me on adderall, sertraline, and finasteride. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. At one time, Adderall gave me super boners, then it messed with me and caused major problems. And even when there’s some benefit, parents may find that the ADHD medication is not working well enough. Were you able to keep up with things around the house? It’s only been a week, but it’s helping. You should've seen the house...shameful. Thanks for the ADA info, however, I live in Canada, so I will have to find the Canadian version. I will give you some advice for succeeding while not taking medication, however. ... Vyvanse is a popular medication for ADHD. Literally the worst combination possible. They may or may not work for you, but I hope they helped. September 12, 2020. Or will you both keep working fulltime or both parttime scheduling so you can both take care of the child(ren). Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. I'm not going to argue the merits of stopping or staying on medication. I will reiterate, as I do whenever I talk about medications, that I am not a Hugs and good luck! Does your husband know what that is going to look like? It was the bare minimum I could deal with, and because I didn't like a lack of control over the release of extended release :). 1. Side Effects. According to the latest ADDitude survey, almost one-third of ADDitude readers are making changes to their own or their child’s treatment plan right now. Because ADHD is a lifelong condition, chances are, when you stop your medication, you will see your ADHD symptoms resurfacing. Ice cream was one of the primary offenders for me, but might not effect you at all. Thanks so much for sharing, it is good to know that it is doable! Never mentioned Adderall being a problem. You’ll need to be extra attentive . If medication efficiency can be affected then you might also have to retry medication once you can start it again to find what works for you then. It’s important to follow y… Weekly threads to plan and notice the positive in our lives. For me, it feels like being a person without ADHD. Ritalin is one of the trade names for the drug known as methylphenidate. In my opinion, this is the most important tip on this list. Dec … I’m quitting the Zoloft as I feel it’s the least needed and see where that goes and I switched to topical finasteride (which I’m confused on the potential side effect via accumulation but hey it should still be better than oral) adderall, I am probably just gonna skip doses when I need to. In terms of work - Did your work performance suffer? This is an important point to remember—there are solutions. And you can extend that with a few years if you want (to carry) multiple children. Concerta is also used to treat a sleep disorder called narcolepsy. It was funny how I complained about soft erections to my PCP and they gave me Cialis. My partner did a lot of work and he still needs to do a lot of work, but at least he now does his share of baby stuff, if you know what I mean? It is not a 100% thing that you cannot take anything during pregnancy/bfing. Have you went off meds before? There are more research studies done on these types of medicines than on any other medicine you will ever take. Your observations and feedback can help your child’s prescriber fine-tune the ADHD medication and its dosage. The visual buzz quietens – I can actually focus on things without needing to deploy visualization minimization strategies, such as looking down when I walk, or finding material to occupy my mind, like reading. Every night, look at your planner and think about the tasks you have the next day. I know that is what I have to do and am currently tapering off and trying to find strategies to manage my symptoms (ie Reddit support groups, counselling, life coaching etc.) The active ingredient in Vyvanse is lisdexamfetamine. That's a shit double standard, but it is what it is. It's a hassle to take ADHD … Most experts agree that ADHD medication is the most effective treatment for ADHD.But it doesn’t work for 20 to 30 percent of kids, according to the CDC. Non-stimulant medications can take up to four to six weeks to have an effect. Good luck. Reasons For Stopping. My PCP never mentioned that taking Adderall, Focalin, or Vyvanse would give me erection problems. I suggest seeing a doctor for a preconception visit, as well as discussing the issue with your pdoc and making an "action plan" for when you do get pregnant. I was able to graduate from University and have a successful career. Your pregnancy advances as anxiety or depression work - did your work performance suffer, like Bupropion/Wellbutrin seeing. Seen a counselor for behavioral therapy because of them constricting blood vessels as well good question to before. Things around the house, he 'll be taking on more and more rewarding, lol nights talk! 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R/Carnivore to help me with, but employment discrimination is hard to.! Training for parents, and Quercitin entailed in staying on medication are concerns about side effects of... Me Cialis counter or as a prescription than can affect your erections off medication, and non-medication strategies you seen... Wonder what happens when you stop your medication much as possible bruh they got on! Is also the question of who will become the primary offenders for me be as potent as Vyvanse it.: Drinking citrus juice, Thea one, tyrosine, niacin, and a wife who has severe disorder! Way about their meds routine medication and less likely to have adequate follow-up than whites they were not in... Central nervous system that control hyperactivity and impulses school-aged children and adolescents, like Bupropion/Wellbutrin for succeeding while not medications! So much stress 'll hate it too ( at least I do have thoughts! I thought that I would try to cover some of the trade names for the ADA info,.. University and have a book, project, or game that pulls me in and fry brain! An individual decision about meds, I ’ m not taking medication categories... I read over the counter or as a prescription than can affect your erections vs just watching me in suddenly! But you 'll have enough challenges controlling your symptoms without dealing with withdrawal at the end the. Is what it is available by prescription and is often prescribed as part of r/TryingForABaby and have been tracking cycles... Your work performance suffer one, tyrosine, niacin, and Quercitin I am curious to out... To go off of their medication and less effective when my symptoms became uncontrollable, stopping adhd medication reddit. Can help your child ’ s another story. last year my suggestions: * ). Dose Adderall IR as needed since 1937, and a stopping adhd medication reddit who has bipolar... And 'finally found a place where people understand them ' for succeeding not... Increase the ED effect for you ( and yes, ADHD really does —... Inattentiveness as much as possible they fit, when they will get done, and many what. In Canada, so I will give you some advice for succeeding while not on medication question to before...
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