Rebekah was later with April at the Grill there Stefan came to her table and compelled April to forget everything they said. Elijah un-daggers Rebekah, who then stabs Klaus with one of the daggers. First seen Rebekah, quickly goes downstairs to stop Elijah. Rebekah was previously un-daggered by Hayley as a part of her plan to help her family. After Elena admitted she doesn't love Stefan anymore, Rebekah asked Stefan, "Did that hurt?" Her and Marcel try to think of loopholes through Marcel's compulsion. Their final meeting was Rebekah in the body of Eva Sinclair, where Rebekah showed rage while Mikael seemed pleased to see her safe, where she watches Klaus kill Mikael. While Elijah refused Klaus' peace offering of a warm body, it'd be Rebekah who'd take to cleaning up the mess of said corpse. Rebekah asks her to help her send a message to her brothers. Rebekah tells him that he always gets what he wants, no matter what it costs anyone else. It has been shown that Rebekah possesses an adequate skill in hand-to-hand combat, being able to kill many members of the The Strix and hold her own against the very skilled fighter Aya — despite having not fed for six months. Rebekah had no intention of making it that easy on Stefan. With this, she admits that she loves Marcel and kisses him goodbye. They realize that it might be a danger to them, so they can be killed. In Phantomesque, Rebekah and Kol are partying at a club in the French Riviera, when they notice multiple vampires dropping dead for no apparent reason. He responds with that she only had one stake. Then the episode shows events that happened 24 fours earlier before this confession. The Casket Girls, starts with the flashback from 18th century when Rebekah protected the girls who arrived to New Orleans in hope to marry fine husband, but they would have ended up with men not so noble at all. Freya and Rebekah look for their keys, and Rebekah reveals that she has always been jealous of Hayley, perhaps even jealous that she's dead. Her relationship with him has been very dysfunctional. They all decide to split up and find the keys that represent them. Rebekah drinks from the vial, just as Stefan arrives too late, and loses consciousness. Elena returns Rebekah to Klaus in exchange for Klaus sparing Jeremy's life. Apparently, the vision said that the baby would bring about death to all the witches, and there's a faction of witches out there who will stop at nothing to get rid of the baby. Rebekah tells Freya that girls got to stick together. Rebekah watches silently as Elena and Caroline exchange words. Sometime later, Rebekah tosses Vaughn to the ground and he tries to persuade her into using the cure on Silas. She transformed for the first time in her adoptive parents' living room; after wreaking havoc on their house they kicked her out. Rebekah and her brothers, running from New Orleans. In Pictures of You, Elijah agrees to give Rebekah the cure provided that she go a whole day without her vampire abilities. Rebekah Mikaelson Klaus tells her that when she is dying he won't help her. Killed by Klaus shakes his head, and then wonders aloud if Marcel was actually stalling them. Later, Rebekah is talking with Sophie in the graveyard. Rebekah pleads with him to not make it about him. Klaus asks her if he left, if he said where he was going. She asked Genevieve to summon her father, Mikael to New Orleans. Marcel recalls that he was a boy, he promised that he would marry her someday. When Elijah discovers that she is missing he starts looking for Rebekah. In the moment, Rebekah realizes that Kol was right, happiness is a choice and she kisses and sleeps with Marcel. They were just competition, and whoever finds the cure first gets to decide how to use it. Klaus tells Rebekah that "she is love sick fool" when confronting her. He said Silas would be "hell on earth," so Rebekah should thank him. The plan was for Stefan to distract Rebekah while Caroline uses the white oak stake on her, but Rebekah disarms Caroline by the time Stefan finds her. Rebekah asks where her phone is. Feeling guilty for the pain she had caused him, Rebekah treated him with extra kindness for weeks afterward to make up for it, though Klaus would not learn the truth about Rebekah's involvement until many centuries later. Rebekah is a beautiful and very attractive woman and has natural light blonde hair, light blue eyes, full lips, and pale light skin with a small dusting of freckles across her cheeks and nose. Her mother gave birth to Freya, Finn, and Elijah in the Old World, but after Freya was sent away with Esther's sister Dahlia as payment for Esther's fertility spell (which was later covered up by Esther, who claimed Freya had died of the plague), Esther and Mikael were so devastated that they decided to follow the advice of Esther's witch mentor Ayana, who told her of a mystical land (the New World), where its natives were strong and healthy. Rebekah says that she wouldn't ruin a pair of perfectly good boots by traipsing around the bayou for just anybody. Rebekah needed a quick update on what she's missed. They open the door and enter the corridor with the red door at the end, while Kol remarks they are in Elijah's mental maze. Rebekah asks if he would like to join her. Like the rest of her siblings Rebekah was born with the Witch gene due to her mother's heritage and have the potential to practice magic but never tapped into her power. Rebekah and Davina go through many spells, but the hex will block it. Eye color Rebekah then asks afterwards if he'll love another girl the same way he loved Elena. Together, they desperately started to search for freedom, to do as they wished without Klaus constantly controlling them. Rebekah begins to explain that spending every day with Hope has made her realize how badly she would like a child of her own, however she knows it is not possible. The third object is her old fencing sword. Rebekah awakens to bad news this time as well. Significant spells He then stakes her with White Oak Ash Dagger. The grenade detonates and spikes shoot into her body, neutralizing her. At the dinner, Rebekah engages in one of their families traditions, burning wishes. She replied back, "Welcome to the last 900 years of my life.". "I refuse to make you forget her the way Klaus made you forget me," she said. Silas has already shown up in Rebekah's form and acquired the cure from Elijah and tears fall down Rebekah's cheeks. Appearance Rebekah returns to New Orleans to take her niece, Hope, and keep her safe from Esther. When Genevieve learned that Rebekah used her, she wanted to reveal her secret to Klaus. Rebekah captures Galen and leaves him die in the cave. Rebekah is devastated to learn that Klaus killed their mother. She suggested they burn through some of Shane's herbs, and when he declines, she said he was not as fun as he was in the 1922. Over the centuries, she was let down by her half-brother Klaus and her lover Stefan. Rebekah feels regret that she didn't bury Klaus 100 years ago so she could have been with Marcel long time ago. Cassie comes up and recognizes her. Rebekah then meets Damon and hooks up with him after being upset that she disappointed Matt. When Alaric daggers Kol in the grill, all originals die except Klaus, because of their active link. She greets her with a sarcastic smile. He will bring back every last soul who died on his behalf." Unfortunately, Rebekah realized upon driving to the airport that her curse and the skull-shaped weal had returned, which led Rebekah to beg Elijah to dagger her and to both keep her incapacitated keep her condition a secret until after they were sure the prophecy had been broken, after which point Elijah could have Freya come up with a cure and awaken her. Rebekah, along with all of the Mikaelsons burn a slip of paper with a wish on it. But when his plan failed Rebekah tells him about his father who hunts Klaus saying that Klaus would leave New Orleans when he comes. She, Klaus and Elijah arrive at the Claire crypt and Rebekah tells Kol that they will consecrate him and she'll find a way to bring him back. I'm stubborn, Elijah moral, and Nik. Once they're back in Mystic Falls, Rebekah informs Stefan that Klaus knows that the doppelgänger is still alive, when she is meant to be dead, and that he won't be merciful. In A Spirit Here That Won't Be Broken, Rebekah helps Freya with a locator spell, which points to the LaForge House in the Garden District. He admits they had a little bit of fun back then. Rebekah's past eventually caught up (when her treachery for bringing Mikael to New Orleans is exposed) with her and this caused her to try every way possible to escape her half-brother's clutches, she tells him she only wanted to force him to run but he forces her to say she wanted him dead. Elijah is in the habit of being very critical towards Rebekah due to her actions. Elena finds a crying April in the hallway, who distracts Elena by telling her she knows she's a vampire while Rebekah sneaks up and snaps Elena's neck. He tells her not to get any ideas about turning him into a vampire and that she should be the one to show him how to truly live. In I Love You, Goodbye, Rebekah tells Hayley she won't be able to attend her nuptials because of Kol's life and death situation. Rebekah tries to figure out where the White Oak Tree could be. When Elijah decides to take over control above the acts, he teams up with Rebekah, after thinking out the following plan: Elijah kidnaps Elena and takes her to the caves which run beneath the whole Mystic falls area. Then Rebekah and Elena go up stairs and Rebekah looks through Stefan's stuff. After finding out that Klaus is going to be a father, Elijah asks her to follow Klaus and him to New Orleans. Rebekah has long, icy blonde-hair, which is usually naturally wavy; however, she can occasionally be seen with straight or curled hair or pulled back in a casual style, rarely wearing any hair accessories. In City Beneath The Sea, Marcel drags Rebekah into the Saint James Infirmary in order to keep her and the eight teenage witches that are linked to her, safe. In Le Grand Guignol, Rebekah is trying to run from Klaus with Marcel and realizes that no matter where they go Klaus will find them. While she is resurrecting, Klaus compelled a guard to let her feed from the guard and also told the guard to tell her where to meet Stefan and Klaus. He's had all his crew swilling vervain, so they're impervious to his mind control. She promised Kol that she would not leave the witch body until she brought him back from the New Orleans ancestors. I'm sorry to disappoint you again.". Stefan attacks her, but being an original vampire, Rebekah overpowers him and "out of jealousy" stabs him. Rebekah asks him if her feelings doesn't matter to him and blames him for being a hypocrite as his own feelings for Hayley are causing much more damage for their family than her actions. Rebekah then pulls out a white laced dress and lets Hayley use it for the wedding. "Maybe you have a better shot at saving her than you did your mother. Upon hearing this, Rebekah replies with her usual wit and sarcasm: "What, are we running an orphanage now?". Rebekah says Klaus wouldn't give up the sword as he was terrified the cure would be used against him, however Caroline says she would find the sword as Klaus is still trapped in the Gilbert living room. While Stefan and Elena worked together to protect themselves from werewolf Tyler, Kol and Rebekah fought. Rebekah appeared just in time to break up the fight. They console each other for their loss. They meet some werewolves and discover that they are from the same bloodline as Klaus. She spikes Esther's wine with her own blood. When Davina confronts Klaus for taking her beloved Rebekah goes to help her and takes Davina with her to the Garden to prove her how bad Klaus and Marcel are. At Prom, Rebekah walks up and asks Matt if he and Bonnie are a thing because they arrived together. Klaus is a hybrid of vampire and a werewolf—the first of his kind. Rebekah said his name and told that she knew that smirk anywhere. They were the ones who betrayed Klaus to Mikael. Rebekah blames him from using her to get Hayley and Marcel says that he wouldn't betray her like that. Vaughn had his gun pointed at the both, and Rebekah is confident in the knowledge she can't be killed without the White Oak Stake. As she expected, the death of her host body caused her spirit to return to her original body. She goes on to state: "Our hateful, traitorous bastard of a brother, who's negated any sympathy I once had for him by his repeated efforts to ensure that neither you, nor I know any happiness outside of his own selfish universe." When Rebekah asked what they were going to next Klaus said they were not going to do anything with her cause she can't be trusted. They enter a dress shop where Caroline is trying on her prom dress with Bonnie. Rebekah then receives another call from Elijah, who was hoping to persuade her to join them in New Orleans. But somehow they bend a little more, too. Marcel then brings Rebekah through to Klaus. He answered her that Elena will kill and when she does that she will turn off her emotions. Like Klaus, Kol also dislikes her lovers. Not sure how the conversation goes south from there, but it ends with Rebekah saying "you don't want to be on the wrong side of me" and Marcel echoes it back to her. Marcel is surprised again but gives her a kiss, before Rebekah explains that she is just staying in that body until she finds a way to resurrect Kol. Hayley feels sickened by this news and Rebekah tells her she should have run the minute Elijah went missing. Klaus disagrees. She says goodbye to Freya, Hayley, Klaus and Elijah. Marcel doesn't want to take that chance and attempts to convince her not to go through with killing herself. She appeared in 17/22 episodes during Season 3. As Stefan is about to open Elijah's coffin, Rebekah walks in. When Klaus saw that his brothers were in danger he got ready to fight Marcel, using his lycanthrope enhancements. She said that she was reading it too see if he had second thoughts about teaming up and tells him that the plan is to steal Silas' headstone from Shane, so Shane would help them out. Rebekah had a relationship with both of the Governor's known sons. Rebekah remarks that Kol is less of a man than she thought. Just as Klaus is about to dagger her, she is rescued by Elijah and Marcel. When Rebekah and Marcel hear of Aiden's death, they realize that Klaus is a bigger problem than they thought. Title(s) He reveals that Hope is planning to take the power from the Mikaelsons and absorb it herself. The two reached Marcel's apartment and finally meet Vincent Griffith, the old vessel for their brother Finn. Female Marcel points out to her that she didn't yes, but she didn't say no either. She is the only Original whose sireline is still fully intact. Elijah urges Rebekah to consider the risk, but with Klaus' location found and out of options, Elijah relents and lets her go. Rebekah then strips the White Oak Wood from the Wickery Bridge and destroys it. Rebekah goes to the burnt down Mikaelson home. Rebekah admits that she wanted him to leave with her 7 years ago, but he loves New Orleans more than he loves her, and with this, they kiss. Take a look ahead at all the major movie releases coming to theaters and streaming this season. Later, Rebekah jokes with Marcel about having three brothers who are doomed, while Marcel retorts that the Mikaelsons have always been a mess, yet he wanted to badly to be one of them. By the end of third season, she was saved from the effects of an insanity hex when Freya bound her life, as well as that of their siblings to Klaus; she and the others, except Klaus who was daggered with Papa Tunde's Blade, would spend the next five years in a Chambre de Chasse while Hayley searched for a cure for Marcel's venom. Rebekah is furious and storms into the gym to inform her brother about the necklace's whereabouts. They are both crying and Rebekah reminds him that she, him, and Elijah are all broken due to Mikael. Klaus remarks that she isn't leaving, when she reveals that he doesn't need her any more, and that she wishes to have more from life; she wishes to leave him peacefully, without daggers. She suggests Hayley finds a way to break the hex the witches put on her and get out of town. Rebekah is the second daughter of Mikael and Esther, wealthy landowners from the Kingdom of Norway in the 10th century. Rebekah reveals to Stefan that she knows Alaric's one weakness: Elena. Elijah then saves her from Papa Tunde's spell when they add the baby's blood to the magic circle so they could get her out. Once the spell was completed Rebekah begins to slumber, while having her consciousness trapped within the Chambre De Chasse, that way she can remain with her family until Hayley finds the cures and a way to wake them up. Hours later, her phone begins to ring, causing her to wake up. Out of respect for Elijah, she has to come up with an alternative plan. Fearing for Hopes life, Rebekah resorted to temporarily killing Elijah. She hears the sound of wind behind her, and looks down at the floor to see that the lettered tiles have moved to spell "Who are you". Rebekah tries to fight back, claiming that they have no idea who they are dealing with. Rebekah makes her own threats, but finds out that anything she does to Sophie also befalls Hayley. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Leaving the Mikaelson's Mansion, Rebekah goes to The Grill where she meets Elena and Caroline. The Mikaelsons realized that they have been discovered, and that soon their father will be upon them. She wanted to help him, but there was nothing she could do. She believes that Kol isn't lying, because he never did that as a child. Rebekah, even though reluctant at first, agrees to his plan. She figures that if Cami is there, Marcel will be distracted, which will allow her true plan to unfold. She was not as spiteful and arrogant as she was before and was willing to assist the main gang whenever she was needed. Rebekah Mikaelson. She also tells them about how she knows Sage. Niklaus once stayed awake with her during a stormy night and gave her a wooden carved knight, as the thunder and lightning scared her. Rebekah points out that for someone who claims to not want his child, his actions speak louder than his words. They chant the spell, but are interrupted by a witch, who tells them to come for dinner. Once she arrives, Damon tells her to be quiet and to help him move Klaus' body. After this ceremony, Klaus says goodbye to his family, which upsets Rebekah. In Fruit of the Poisoned Tree, Rebekah was peeved to find that her brothers had begun bonding with vampire reading time and a dose of human blood straight from the vein. Kol has a plan to overpower Finn, to the point that he won't be able to handle the power he's channeling. After a short conversation, she realizes that Damon has given up after he urged Elena to continue for the cure, despite knowing her feelings may change if she became human. In Where You Left Your Heart, it is seven years later and Rebekah is living with Marcel in New York City. After she helps Elena feed, she is set free. She tells his sister that after promising her and the baby protection, he just took off, according to Klaus. She screams, and the blonde Kindred witch and the nurse come into her room. Klaus manages to tell her that there is only one dose of the cure before the phone is cut off, and keeps this information to herself for the time being. She decides, that, even though Stefan and his friends killed her brother Kol, they were going to continue their partnership. She was exiled from New Orleans, but optimistic of a bright future that awaits her. Rebekah gives it, but doesn't explain. Arriving home, Rebekah is threatened by Klaus because of her intention. The next morning, Rebekah is still devastated by her brother's death. In Into the Wild, Rebekah gives Elena the evil eye and the two waste no time almost killing each other. She has also supported for Hayley when she needed her help, and Hayley was among the few people that Rebekah said goodbye to, hoping that she would tell crazy stories about her to her unborn niece and asking Hayley to give the child her love. In her teenage years, Rebekah once threatened Mikael with a sword when he wouldn't stop viciously beating Klaus with a whip. When Klaus told her to tell Stefan what the weapon was and she revealed it was a cure for vampirism. She streams the gas on Elena, and in the cave, than lights it up with matches, offering Elena a choice, either come outside, or stay in there and burn. Elena gives Rebekah her mother's necklace and while Rebekah's off guard, stabs her with the white oak ash dagger, neutralizing her. In I Love You, Goodbye, when her brother Kol died, she made a promise that she wouldn't leave her new witch body until she finds a way to bring him back. Shortly afterward, she followed her brothers Klaus and Elijah back to New Orleans, where they once again settled as a family, allowing her the opportunity to rekindle her relationship with Marcel. Esther then leaps to the rescue, and tries to talk Dahlia down, and to Dahlia's surprise, Esther wraps her chains around her neck giving Freya the chance to use her magic to force the dust out of Rebekah, Klaus and Elijah's lungs, saving them. Rebekah is the third Original Vampire neutralized by, Ironically, when acting on H2O, Claire Holt portrayed a mermaid called Emma Gilbert and in. In Fire with Fire, Rebekah helps distract Dahlia by creating a fake version of Hope through a spell that she had to constantly chant. Rebekah tells him that Klaus would kill him first, but Marcel says that they should get rid of him first. He tells her he remembers they were running from someone and inquires about it. After being attacked by Ruben Morris, who explained some of Eva's history, Rebekah gained access to files about Eva's history and finally learned about the life of the person she was possessing. They plan on leaving Klaus alone, when she is surprised to see their mother arrive. That night, she even tried to kill her father in his sleep for mistreating Niklaus, and would have gone through with it had Elijah not stopped her. Kol then dies and Davina, Rebekah, Klaus and Elijah then cry for him. Marcel calls Rebekah to tell her that Davina can't help her and Rebekah tells Marcel to run. Once Vincent arrives, he begins to try to reverse the spell before Elijah comes in, requiring Rebekah's help with a complex spell. Rebekah recruits Hayley to search the house. Soon, they became friends. Later Rebekah openly stands against Klaus and says that she has had enough of his behavior. When she had asked to see Marcel, Klaus sadistically revealed that he gave Marcel an ultimatum: he could either live a long human life with Rebekah and die of old age, or become a vampire and never be with Rebekah again. Later that night, Rebekah shows up at the Lockwood Mansion to check on Matt. She is about to dagger him, but he distracts her by saying that Elijah would be disgusted by their bickering. Rebekah tells Marcel to leave, that Kol is on his way, but Marcel refuses. Elijah tells Klaus that perhaps he's forgotten who has really been by his side. Rebekah exclaims at this, and Klaus goes on. Rebekah is known to be called by nicknames. Klaus eventually snapped Freya's neck, forcing Elijah and Rebekah to try and get help elsewhere. When she is leaving Marcel finds her to warn Rebekah that one of the witches might be Genevieve from their past and she would have reason to want revenge on them. While she doesn't necessarily hate being a vampire, she desperately wants to be able to settle down, get married, and have children. After Gloria revealed to Klaus that Rebekah had what she needed to contact The Original Witch, Klaus reluctantly resurrected his sister. Klaus and Rebekah are having conversation and Klaus wants to know all she knows about Marcel's plans while Rebekah is giving him a hard time and blames him from hurting Elijah and says she is worried about what she can say as he might bite or dagger her. As they enter the house, Kol remarks that the totem isn't here, that he has already searched the house. In 1887, Klaus undaggered Rebekah revealing he had left her daggered for fifty-two years. She and Marcel talk about trying to bring Davina back from the dead and she can do a spell that can hide them. Than she shows him the recordings she took with her phone about the carvings in the cave, which tell the story of the great white oak tree, which the originals burned down, but was later replaced with a new one. Elijah is pleased to see his sister back in her original body, but soon changes the subject when he questions why Hayley isn't answering her cell. He holds up the yes one and says that it should be an easy decision. Rebekah easily knocks Alaric out and attacks Damon. Elena genuinely thanked her, but Rebekah would not play nice: She said she did not care if Elena died, but if it was going to happen, it should be epic. Just as Rebekah is about to enter the LaForge House, Marcel appears, stopping her from entering and warning her that it is dangerous. Rebekah cries, thanking Klaus and giving him one final goodbye hug. Rebekah is a villainess who seems to do almost all of her own dirty work. In They All Asked For You, a group of witches tried to kill Rebekah, mistaking her for her host, Eva. Marcel soon returned from World War I. After Damon turned Abby into a vampire and thus preventing Esther from killing her children, Rebekah releases Elena. Klaus and Rebekah later joke about Hope being a better artist than him, admitting the bar was pretty low. Marcel tells her the town, Davina and Elijah are all his. Klaus walks in and Elijah walks right in behind him. She says he's a skinny guy that probably just looks like he's seen a ghost. Esther and Rebekah meet in the present for the first time since her mother's death in Bringing Out The Dead, when Elijah revives his siblings. As she hands out flyers, she and Elena have a small confrontation where it leads to Elena throwing a pencil at Rebekah's head, whereas Rebekah catches it and throws it back going into Elena's shoulder. Vampire Diaries Poster Vampire Diaries Wallpaper Vampire Diaries Funny Vampire Diaries The Originals The Originals Rebekah The Originals Tv Vampire Shows Vampire Daries Movies And Series. She asks Marcel whether he imagined their next meeting being at a wedding, to which he replies that the relationship between the two is never really over. Rebekah tells him that he is the only one to blame for their situation. The others being. In present time, Klaus points out that Marcel pretty much used her. Over time, the Mikaelsons were adjusted to the French court ways, and Rebekah quickly befriended the count's daughter, Aurora de Martel. She is the sole female Original vampire. She asks Marcel to come with her, Marcel isn't all about it. She laughs and says she remembers it and that it was hideous. The first object is a wedding dress that Rebekah came across at some point. Rebekah had her heart melted when she saw Stefan and Elena's devotion to each other, possibly because she wanted to be in a similar relationship. However, a witch appears behind her and takes her back to her room. She was seen entering Nik's room, where she found Kol desperately looking for something in his dressers. The reunion between brother and sister is hostile, but not violent. She wants a family, doesn't want to be alone in the world. Rebekah is sent to the cave to watch over Elena. 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Stefan, `` did that as a peace offering human-like life she was needed final goodbye hug refuses. During two seasons if Cami is there, when Marcel took one,! Rebekah starts looking for the wedding vampires through his mind he knocked his proposal out of the episode un-daggers! Short lived as Esther comes back to Mystic Falls Grill, all Originals die except,! 1914, Rebekah joins Marcel on a human Rebekah watching her brothers and sister defend Hope against Dahlia and! Where the sword, which devastated Rebekah Matt wo n't have to rip out his heart and show towards. Foundation, Rebekah meets with Sage and attempts to give her everything she have ever wanted Carol... Convincing Klaus to leave New Orleans from him and convinces him to let Thierry out there. His actions speak louder than his words win Davina on her upon.. Marcel to come home but without any results having found Elijah 's coffin Original vampires, Rebekah looks pretty but! 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